...continued from part 1 The call dropped and Frank sat-up on his bed. His mind was still restless from the events that occurred after work hours. The only image that stayed constant amidst his chaotic thoughts was Kaffi. Her beauty still occupied his very vivid imagination, her smile, her eyes, her voice, the way she exuded confidence even when she was being mischievous. He knew he wasn't supposed to be thinking of her this way, not after what just happened at her place, but he couldn't help it, his thoughts were conflicting right now and he needed to put them in check before he gets consumed by his lust. Rising from his bed, he walked to the mini-fridge in his bedroom, opened it and withdrew a cold drink to wash down the unwholesome thoughts that paraded his subconscious... it wasn't working. Still clutching the drink in his hand, he wandered towards the TV area and turned on the TV, the screen stared back with "NO SIGNAL"..."How rich," h...