Where is the Lie?

D o you sometimes get that elated feeling that there's something superior about you? That maybe ...just maybe, you are somehow a demigod and the rest of the world is blind if they can't see it? Now I am not talking about the "I know who I am" mentality, but that thin edge between humanity and borderline Narcissism . Where the only voice that matters to you is yours and your overinflated mistake of self preference. Here's what your overblown ego wouldn't tell you: that we all see through you, that we know how far gone you are, but somehow still stay because contrary to what you think, we actually love you. You've heard it in passing. we've said it to your face, you've seen it in our eyes and by our actions, yet the paranoic personality you have turned yourself into has bewitched your sense of good judgement. Here's a fun fact; we know, we understand and still don't love you any less, but ask yourself this: How much more can we really tak...