
Showing posts from December, 2016


Some dreams never see the light of the day. Some, without will-power of their own, follow one to the grave. If ideas could talk.... If plans could work themselves.... TAKE A MINUTE I know it is good to lead a lovely comfortable life. My issue with this is doing it(being comfy) at the expense of the greatness within you. People try and when they "taste"  success and face a "little" challenge, they fold , hang their boots, and decide to plough through life with the memory of "I once had" "I once was." They become COMFORTABLE !!! My advice to you : Whenever you get comfortable in a place or at a thing, always look out for what more you can do to further task yourself. It will bring out the best in you and most of all bring you JOY. FOOD FOR THOUGHT : You did something and it turned out BEAUTIFUL. Ever wondered what would happen if you put in a teeny-weeny bit of effort to the INITIAL and see of a truth that there are many SHADES ...


Your hands in mine reassure me of how great I already am. OH!!! The tears you wiped from my baby face and the smile that followed, when you kissed my soft cheeks. The whip that straightened my consciousness when I seemed to go off the RIGHT course. Can I forget the HUGS?  Can I forget the FOOD? Can I delete the sight of your darkened knees, that lost its glamour in prayers for me? Can I forget the times we played pranks on DADDY? Do I say that I  love  you? Do I say that I am  grateful? Do I halt procreation till every woman on earth mutates into you? LOVE doesn't cut it. Gratitude too... To the first QUEEN in my kingdom... The one lady; till i meet wifey, who knows my deepest kitchen desires and how to meet them... HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!! God fashioned me to come from you and to HIM,   I owe my life. I THANK GOD FOR YOU EVERY SINGLE DAY. I LOVE YOU MUMMY !!!!!!!!!! A mother is not necessarily the one who gave birth to you....


You think you know the word. You think it's all about blood. You would be wrong if this is all you know about FAMILY. Once you are in, IT'S IRREVOCABLE. I guess it is very easy to grasp the fact about eternal commitment when it has to do with your immediate family. I mean, your DAD is your dad and even he openly "disowns" you, it doesn't still change the fact that he gave birth to you. When you are functional member of a group, that group becomes your family. The question you ask yourself is this: "Do we have a common goal?"  If that answer is "YES", and this goal drives you to attain your God-given potentials, then you are bound to that family for life. If you ever leave, then YOU WERE NEVER PART OF THAT FAMILY. CHOOSE YOUR FAMILY WISELY AND IF YOU ARE IN A FUNCTIONAL ONE: never ever get angry enough to leave do not let them suffer because you were offended stay loyal to them participate financially I dare say, FAM...