
Showing posts from February, 2017


There is actually no polite way to say write this, truth is,  MONEY DOESN'T EXIST . Okay...calm your nerves down and take a minute to just read till the end. You could say that I am entitled to my opinion...I wouldn't argue with you, trust me when I say that even life proves my point. MONEY ONLY EXISTS IN THE MIND OF THE POOR Again, I do not point fingers😃 .                                                                      CASE 1 When I was much younger, my friends and I will often say that we should always carry extra money in our pocket for miscellaneous purposes. That sounds responsible I believe...but here was the issue with our train of thoughts: we believed that it could be possible to be walking on the road and accidentally push someone's egg crate to the floor, and when that happen...


I have often heard people say that they preferred someone hit them to the person using words that "hurt" on them. They can relate to the very sharp and piercing nature of words. You should understand that apart from just hurting someone, words move in currents; currents that could carry someone even whilst the person is not conscious of it. My point... simple... most people now find it very easy to pass hate messages through music. Some others encourage violence and immorality through their songs such that you find yourself dancing off to the beat without knowing that those words are sinking into your subconsciousness. In places like AFRICA, they do not even say anything these days, they just make beats and people dance to their emptyness. When you write songs, do it purposefully. Music can be constructively used for good, Let us will the power of MUSIC and change the fate of the world we live in, and it starts with YOU. TO EVERY: nigerian african canadian artist ...


The ladies will probably understand this and relate with it more. The world of ROMANCE has made it very cute and romantic to have a guy do a song for a lady. I wouldn't say I am innocent of that crime though 😜 . My point? Simple... Everyone appreciates being idolized, even when they do not really ask for it or even need it, be it a man, woman , boy or girl. We all have a god-like side that needs a little polishing every now and then. First off, when you take time to write or compose even just 4lines of a song for someone, it makes the receiver of the song feel: loved important worthy, amongst many others. Now like i said initially, the person most times, never asked for it nor desired such, but the memory stays; if it is a voice-note you sent he/she will probably keep it stored for a long time to come. Now, you mustn't be an award winning songwriter to pull this off. You could simply look out for songs that convey the message to the person you intend doing it for, and...


Why do you think it is impossible for you to move your body? Now don't quickly blame it on your lack of skill . Relax. Now tell me, what would it cost you to : nod your head when you hear good music shake your somewhat rigid waist to the rhythm of the bass guitar tap your very lovely looking foot inside your shoe;where you have decided to hide it , when YOUR favorite song is played My point ? Simple... Dancing is not a crime nor a sin. and you are not taken less serious when you dance. No matter how uptight you think life has got you looking,   DO NOT let it take the rhythm out of life for you.  Take 5min everyday to listen to some very lovely music and dance your mind to freedom, remember it's more about the process than the steps. DANCE: in the shower while taking out the trash while doing the dishes in the supermarket  when you hear something that makes you smile  EVERYWHERE and with Every opportunity SHOW YOU THE DANCER WITHIN and shak...


Have you really seen an angry person sing ? I bet your answer would be NO . You often will hear them murmur or probably do the expected which is to shout. We all can agree that music is one of the most amazing things that has ever happened to the human race. Let's look at the era of slave trading . Now, you would agree with me that the slaves were very angry with their masters; no one would argue that, but when they began singing, they seemed to forget they were in chains and they moved quite gracefully and in harmony even when doing the distasteful biddings of their masters. They seemed to have a moment of respite from the tears in their skin and the insult on their ego. Music when expressed through singing no matter the occasion or the circumstance, wells up a joy that only your spirit can explain. Now you don't have to be CeCe Winnas, Sinach, J Moss or WeR³ to have such fulfillment with music, your voice * no matter its state * is just enough to give you the pleasure y...


"Music heals the mind, body and soul" "Music has therapeutic capabilities"; these amongst many others are some of the very interesting things people have to say about music. Ever thought of how deep this goes ? Let's take a look at the movie industry, Hollywood for example has very talented music supervisors who put in a lot of effort to make you appreciate a movie better. There are a lot of dynamics and planning that happen backstage in a movie or stage act to leave an imprint through music in the hearts of the viewers. These days, the advertising agencies employ music when promoting brands, and they go as far as using music stars or popular songs and creatively put their product in the centerpiece of the song. You often find yourself singing your way to the store to purchase the product just because the song got to you. My point ? Quite simple, take the time to go through your music library and compare it to the kind of experiences you have in life or to ...