It is funny how you look at YOU.
Every morning you wake up and stare in front of the mirror, a sense of dissatisfaction envelops you...😞why?

  • Your nose is too big and ugly
  • You are almost going bald
  • Your front teeth is missing 
  • You are too fat
  • You are, in your eyes ugly
  • You have just one functional leg
  • Your skin is scarred terribly
  • You are short
  • You farm pimples on your face
  • You are too hairy (not that it is a sin to be )
Let's put your physical appearance aside... maybe 
  • You are a shy person (in your head)
  • You seem not to have much friends 
  • People don't seem to like you a lot
  • You stutter
  • You are an orphan
  • You get scared easily 
  • You are impatient
Trust me, this list could go on forever. The funniest part is that one person could be a victim of all. Yea, i know... suicide seems like paradise at this point. Really? Is it that bad? Keep the answer to yourself.
Why do you easily look for and acknowledge every negative thing in your life? Take note, I said "look for", because now it is a job for you to fish out the things that make you seemingly imperfect and unworthy of the earth. These days instead of leaving the fiasco between you and your mirror, you have taken the case to your world. 
Now everybody who has ever come in contact with you knows how ugly you see yourself and how much you hate the fact that you are short, hairy, impatient and fat. 
WOW !!! NICE JOB....

Voicing your seeming inabilities, disabilities, or frustrations will never make you any better. If you actually check yourself, you would notice that you are actually getting uglier and fatter. This anger even helps to fatten you up.

There are good things in you. If you don't know what they are, then look into the Word to find out. Take a gander at Galatians 5:22 and see how you are ladened with:
  • love
  • joy
  • peace
  • patience
  • gentleness         
  • goodness
  • faith
You say, "How does this help me?" I could ask you how the other negative confessions have added to your life. Acknowledge these good things in you, because I could tell you for a fact that God would not have taken His time to create something He would regret. No creator makes something he isn't proud of and still lets the world see it. 

Image result for I love me
Take time out to recalibrate your views about yourself. See YOU the way God does. 
Life would make more sense and you would find a reason to be the very best version of you God has programmed you to be. 

There is a lot you have to offer the world, don't let that spot in your life deprive the world of the blessings of your personality.

#therealme #iseeonlywhatGodwantsmeto #made2love


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