
Showing posts from September, 2017


You know blood they say is thicker than water. Most of us will easily agree, but the point is simple. FAMILY IS VERY RELATIVE . People come into your life and most times make you wonder why they didn't come from your Mama's womb. There are obviously few exceptions where your closest pal is your sibling, your dad or maybe your I said, few exceptions.  Never let the notion of a blood tie stop you from enjoying the beauty of friendship. Now I am not in anyway trying to belittle or relegate blood to the background, but I speak the TRUTH. LET'S IDENTIFY A FEW EXAMPLES 1. You work out in a gym every morning and evening , obviously you'll have gym buddies who are also passionate about achieving their fitness goals just as you are. Before you know it , the relationship transcends just the gym and you'll start hanging out and attending functions what's happening...a tie as well as a niche is being carved. 6months down the line th...


I have known you forever... I have known you for a lifetime We have been through the worst of them all As well as have conquered TROY together You are more than a brother More than a sister . . . So forgive me when I stand shocked to know that you have assumed an unforgiving stance, simply because I; for some reason which you deem inconsequential, somehow forgot to call you, send a message across, or be present that very day you added "1" to your age. How do you really measure friendship? I never knew our "FRIEND"-"SHIP" was still testing waters Now all those years of trust-building are gone !!! Was our foundation really that shaky? Or did we build with inferior materials TAKE A MINUTE... THINK ABOUT IT ... We have been friends since the beginning of time ... I missed your birthday and I careLESS... Had I called, would it infer that I careMORE? If you call me a friend, then I pray thee... let me bear my name devoid of ...


Have you ever sat and pondered on how one day,  IT will all come to an end. Go on and think about it... even the day has a night, and your sweet sixteen shoes wouldn't fit in 5 years time.  WHAT VALUES... DO YOU HOLD DEAR? BECAUSE ONE THING IS SURE, "We must all give account someday."  Time as we know is only a pause in eternity. In other words we wouldn't be in this world forever, so we must make our time here count for God and good as we will all give account to our creator one of these days not too far from now, when time will eventually stop.                          This is a call to reach out to the lost in this world before it is too late. Before time stops, for time is limited on this plane of life. POET NESSYL TAKES IT DEEPER IN THIS PIECE,  WATCH SHARE COMMENT RESHARE But in all this, let this piece help you appreciate your time on earth better. ...