We all at some point in our lives have used machines, gadgets etc. Basically, no one likes getting an device or machine that has a high maintenance cost. It only leaves you with loads of regret. Then you start wishing you went for something else with less stress.
Today I will shift our focus from machines and devices to humans,
Yes i said humans.
Yes i said humans.
We all have people in our lives who were sent our way to teach us how to be patient. Even you... with your interesting personality know how tiring you can be.
Do you have friends who you are always careful around?
Do you have that person in your life who you cannot say NO to? not because he or she is awesome but because you don't want to be in his/her bad book.
Now all these shouldn't be. Yes I know you cannot always be on the same page with your friends but not to the point of being careful not hurt their SELFISH feelings.
High maintenance cost friends drain time and energy, plus you don't even get to enjoy the benefits of the relationship. Be it intimate or not. I mean if it's intimate and you have signed the marriage certificate then you are in for the longest ride of your life.

Chill, don't be in a hurry to point fingers and call up names to mind. I always tell you, start from YOU.
Do not be that friend who everyone is careful around.
Do not be that spouse who is always receiving sugar coated lies because your partner isn't sure if the devil has left you.
Do not be that spouse who is always receiving sugar coated lies because your partner isn't sure if the devil has left you.
YES !!! I know the just don't get you atimes...scratch dat... A LOT, but you must not react.
NOTE : High maintenance cost folks never truly have friends. If you think you do, think again.
Now I am not advocating that you now become cheap and loose your core values...but be REAL and have a heart.
As always, leave your thoughts in the comment section...questions too, if you have any. I'll surely reply
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