The alarm goes wild and Janelle’s phone falls from the bed as she stretches and wearily opens her eyes one after the other. She suddenly realizes how cold her pink-themed room is and sighs as she spots her duvet nestled to one corner of the bed, far from her reach. “Thank God I live alone,” she says as she sits up nude and lazily walks to her live-sized mirror to admire her very unique physique; her legs are as straight as the Pillars of Hercules, joined to her pelvis on which her very African hips sit. The brown of her skin glows and only darkens where her areolas sit on her perfectly formed upright bosoms. This appears to be a regular routine every morning and the smile presently adorning her spotless face is proof positive that she enjoys looking at her reflection in the mirror. Her reverie is cut short because the reality of being queried should she get to work late, dawns on her, so she saunters into the bathroom. Opening the cabinet to her right, ...