This evening finally came. I thought I had escaped it completely, but I guess somehow I knew I couldn't give sweet, nice, smart and geeky-in-the-sexiest-way-possible Amy, what she wanted. She always has an answer to every question and knows how to fill the silence in our conversations with witty statements that make me crack a smile, but tonight was different. I could see it in her eyes that I had hurt her, but I couldn't take my words back. I knew she'll forgive me in an instant if I told her it was all a joke. She has a big heart and maybe that is the problem. She sees an " us " that puts holy fear into my bones. "Gamophobia," Kenny chimed when I told him about the girl in my estate. To all the questions he asked, trying to find something to fault her, I had nothing negative to say. Her only flaw would be her capacity to love. Hers is a heart that can power an entire nation and honestly, it scares me. Meeting Amy wasn't a coincidence, at least I wa...