The alarm goes wild and Janelle’s phone falls from the bed as she stretches and wearily opens her eyes one after the other. She suddenly realizes how cold her pink-themed room is and sighs as she spots her duvet nestled to one corner of the bed, far from her reach. “Thank God I live alone,” she says as she sits up nude and lazily walks to her live-sized mirror to admire her very unique physique; her legs are as straight as the Pillars of Hercules, joined to her pelvis on which her very African hips sit. The brown of her skin glows and only darkens where her areolas sit on her perfectly formed upright bosoms. This appears to be a regular routine every morning and the smile presently adorning her spotless face is proof positive that she enjoys looking at her reflection in the mirror. Her reverie is cut short because the reality of being queried should she get to work late, dawns on her, so she saunters into the bathroom. Opening the cabinet to her right, ...
Monday morning came with its usual nagging and longing for more bedtime, but Frank was already used to it. The shrill cry of the weird Chinese melody that was supposed to be his alarm tune never failed him. Now fully awake, he stood up, stretched his limbs and chuckled soon as he noticed his breakfast boner, reaching for the air-conditioner remote on his nightstand, he turned the cooling unit off, then walked across the room to switch on the lights. After bathing, he got dressed for work and sat down on the bed. Opening one of the nightstand drawers he retrieved his daily devotional which he read before kneeling and praying for a little over ten minutes; fellowship with the Holyspirit was very important to him. After praying, he grabbed a particular notepad from the only table in the room and stuffed it into his backpack before exiting the house. Frank got to his workplace a little earlier than usual, so he seized the opportunity to follow up on th...
My dad had completed his bungalow at the end of the close, making us the 5th family in the estate to build and live on own our property. The driver was in an unusual hurry to get back on the road, and for the first time since we moved into the estate, I got out of the car and stood outside my father's house as Uncle Dennis backed the car onto the main street and drive off. The gate behind me opened and a young boy, probably my age, walked out with his bicycle. We just stood and looked at ourselves. I wasn't sure what interested me more, the beauty of the estate or the fact that there was a young boy my age who stayed close. We both waved awkwardly and I ran into the house with an innocent smile on my face. I walked in to see both my parents standing and waiting at the door. "What were you doing?" roared my dad. "Nothing sir." "Abiye...Abiye..." my mom gently called my name and I looked at her. She knelt very close to me and held my hands. ...
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