Some dreams never see the light of the day. Some, without will-power of their own, follow one to the grave. If ideas could talk.... If plans could work themselves.... TAKE A MINUTE I know it is good to lead a lovely comfortable life. My issue with this is doing it(being comfy) at the expense of the greatness within you. People try and when they "taste" success and face a "little" challenge, they fold , hang their boots, and decide to plough through life with the memory of "I once had" "I once was." They become COMFORTABLE !!! My advice to you : Whenever you get comfortable in a place or at a thing, always look out for what more you can do to further task yourself. It will bring out the best in you and most of all bring you JOY. FOOD FOR THOUGHT : You did something and it turned out BEAUTIFUL. Ever wondered what would happen if you put in a teeny-weeny bit of effort to the INITIAL and see of a truth that there are many SHADES ...